Digital Advertising

Using digital platforms to connect with your customers.

What is Digital Advertising?

Remember when advertising used to be that billboard you saw on the freeway?
Enter the 21st century, and say hello to digital advertising. This area of advertising quite simply refers to using digital channels, such as social media, in order to advertise your products and/or services to your target audience. Smartphones and other digital devices are now making it easier for companies to advertise their products and services to consumers.

What makes us X-Perts at Digital Advertising?

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Clearly defined goals

We understand that every client has different goals.
Whatever it is you hope to achieve, we utilize all our resources to establish where to begin, and the correct steps to take in order to achieve the end goal. Your ad strategy will likely vary from campaign to campaign – that’s normal. Nevertheless, we like to use the three pillars that are commonly understood to be the basis of traditional advertising, but they also translate easily into the digital world: inform, persuade and remind.

  1. Inform: This is the process of creating awareness of your products and/or services.
  2. Persuade: Persuade your customers to purchase your product and/or your service.
  3. Remind: Keep your brand top-of-mind in the minds of your consumers.
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We measure the success and optimize

Gone are the days of spending money on an advert, in the wild hope that someone will see it.
Digital advertising is a favorite amongst many, because it’s easily measurable. You can see how many people have viewed the ad, and how of them actually interacted with it. This helps us calculate an accurate ROI on the ads. Once we analyze that data, we then constantly optimize the advertising. Whether it’s the graphics, mediums, wording, or frequency – we constantly re-evaluate and refine the ads, so that they’re always improving in terms of effectiveness. Due to the digital world providing a lot of insight into consumer behaviours, we can also personalize the advertising, curating it carefully for every different segment of your target market.

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We choose the right platforms for you

Choosing the right digital advertising platforms can give you a headache. Let us deal with it, while you focus on building your business.
Our years of experience have allowed us to cultivate what we call “digital intuition”. This is essentially a sixth sense that all experienced marketers develop over years in the industry. This means, that once we work out what your marketing strategy is, we can then start assigning the correct mediums to advertise your company. Creating a bespoke plan for you is what gives us the greatest joy. We love working across most of the following platforms: Google & Bing Ads, Display Ads, Programmatic Ads, YouTube, Native Ads, PR, & Social Media Ads – just to name a few.

Let’s grow your business together.