Xennial SEO and Digital Marketing

Find out what makes us stand out from the crowd.

What are Xennials?

Xennials are people born near the end of the 1970’s, and the start of the 1980’s. This was a really interesting time in the development of technology and the digital world. Technological innovation was just beginning its massive boom. Microsoft, Apple, and other major tech companies were bringing their magic to life. As Xennials, we had the privilege of growing up during this time, which positioned us at the intersection of appreciating pre-digital people skills, but also gave us a chance to develop a knack for understanding how the digital world works. This combination created a beautiful synergy of two worlds, which is what sets us apart as individuals and as a digital agency as a whole.

X-ceptional People skills

Before every Tom, Dick, and Harry had a smartphone, answers were not as easy as “a Google away”.
Emotional intelligence and people skills were highly valued and revered by society at large. Conversations between humans – verbal and oral learning – were a large part of how information was transmitted.
As xennials, we grew up when these skills were still prized possessions.
Therefore, translating these people skills into our digital agency has allowed us to stand out from our competitors. A lot of our competitors are younger. Whilst their technical abilities with regards to technology may at times surpass ours, we possess a secret weapon – the ability to connect with the person that we’re marketing to. This allows all our marketing campaigns to have an element of humanity running throughout. We connect to people, which makes our content enjoyable and relatable.

Natural Digital skills

However, people skills alone do not equate to success in the fearlessly competitive digital agency world.
In order to compete, you still need to understand how technology plays a role in the consumer’s interactions with brands in order to create work that is effective and relevant. Having grown up with technology at our fingertips since we were young, technological innovation comes naturally to us.
Therefore, running a digital agency that competes with the best of the best isn’t a challenge for us. We love technology. We understand it. And we know how to use it to get you more customers.

Let’s grow your business together.