Welcome to the world of search engine optimization. Take six minutes to find out what SEO is, and why SEO is important for your business in 2023. (As a bonus, at the end of the article, we’ll help you figure out your next steps to creating an even better website).
Firstly, what exactly is SEO?
You know Google and Bing? Those are two of the most well-known search engines in the world. We all go to search engines to type in questions so that we can find the information we need as quickly as possible.
Search engines have these things called bots. Bots travel the internet and scan websites. They then place websites in this massive “library” called an index. When someone comes to the search engine and types in “Apples near me”, the bots have already done such a good job of indexing all the websites in the world, that they generally choose the most relevant website to show the person looking for apples.
Search engine optimization is the process of optimising your company’s website so that when the bot ar